Sunday, April 26, 2009

Keeping It Fresh...

The lights, the glitz, the glamour….. the produce??!! Last week we attended the United Fresh show held in sunny, vibrant Las Vegas... The casinos and chaos on the outside didn't detour the waves of people on the inside of the show where an appetizing labyrinth of food samples awaited—from pineapple to guacamole, this show had our hunger covered! Most importantly, with the heightened awareness of global food safety issues, the show focused on industry audits, product traceability, rapid methods to test for food borne pathogens, and other issues that face growers, shippers, and food producers. Idaho Technology had a booth in the food safety pavilion and we were happy to showcase our food security system, the R.A.P.I.D.® LT FSS, which tests for pathogens such as Listeria, E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella.

A special thanks to Julie and Stuart from Microbiology International for helping us at the booth and showing us a good time!

Now I'm off to Washington, DC for the Food Safety Summit. Check back next week for a full report...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Welcome to Food Bites

Welcome to the Idaho Technology, Inc. (ITI) Food Safety Blog! I’m excited to begin blogging through the hectic pace of keeping our food supply safe. My goal is to bring you ITI news “bites” and updates on the latest happenings in the food safety world—and hopefully keep it fun and interesting too! I am new to the food safety community, so please join me on my journey as I navigate my first Food Safety tradeshows— United Fresh and Food Safety Summit (watch for my posts in the next weeks!), the launch of a new promotional campaign, and plotting a course through a growing mountain of food scares.

I welcome your comments and insights and hope this can be a forum for sharing insights and valuable information that affects us all.

That’s all for now, I look forward to kicking things off with United Fresh next week where I’m off to Vegas showcase our new theme! Here’s a sneak peek…